Cinematic Photography, Costume Design & Film Production

Want Fell & Fair to design your next music video, film, or ad campaign?

Contact us:


Check out the new pilot for our show Knight Shift! From epic battles and the daily workings of quirky bearded men, to issues with employing friends and family, Knight Shift unites the whimsy and heroism of nerd culture with the average work day.
Over the Top HD.jpg

Cinematic Photography 

Want to tell a story with a single photograph? Fell & Fair leads the industry in creating cinematic photographs. We bring all the details to life in a compact, yet visually stunning, fashion. 


Original Costume Design

We strive to create costumes that provide a gritty and realistic feel to a film or photo. Sourcing worldwide and creating new items internally, we find the best look and fit at the best price. 

Costume Production

We also build costumes from your favorite Movies, Video Games and TV shows. We can create full kits that either exactly reproduce existing designs, or build them to fit seamlessly into the existing aesthetic. 



Film Production

Fell & Fair's film production works to highlight aesthetics while telling a dynamic story that captures the viewer's imagination. Our vision is to inspire the viewers to "Go therefore and do likewise", so our filmmaking is particularly adapted to featuring the products and locations of our customers. 

Email to get more information on our ongoing work in film!

Will the boys become the men they are called to be? Our past forges us for our future. Our losses add value to the prize. The Fox & The Dragon is a Medieval short film from Fell & Fair Productions and Electric Soul Films starring Kolton Easterday, Zan Campbell with narration by Eurielle.